In 1993, as God began to lead Pastor McGhee toward establishing Tony McGhee Ministries (aka Liberty Bible Church of Wilmington), the predominate word that God gave was "stability". We see that many in the body of Christ are very gifted and talented, however, without stability, be that emotional, spiritual, or even financial stability, many of the things that God would have us to do would be left undone.
In November of 2014, Pastor McGhee along with attending congregation adopted a more biblical model for the New Testament church. Being a local New Testament Church founded by Jesus Christ pursuant to the Scriptures of The Holy Bible, as the body of Jesus Christ and governed solely by the precepts, commandments and ordinances contained therein, is subject solely to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as the Sovereign Head of the Church.
At Liberty Bible Church, we hold dear our mission to bring stability to the individual believer's life. We believe that we have been assigned the task of being a refugee of stability in a tough and tumble world. It is our belief that out of this stability, God's will, will be determined and acted upon.
We Believe:
1. That the Bible is the inspired word of God. II Timothy 3:16
2. In the “born again” experience (salvation). Romans 10:9-10
3. That as a Christian, our daily conduct should live up to God’s Word. II Corinthians 7:1
4. In the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Acts 2:1-4
5. That Jesus paid the price for our physical Healing as well as our salvation, and that healing is for all, NOW! I Peter 2:24
6. In sharing Christ with others as commanded. Matthew 28:19-20
7. In tithes and offerings (10 percent of our income) as support for the local Church. Proverbs 3:9 & Malachi 3:10
8. In keeping the ordinance of water baptism. Matthew 28:19-20
9. In the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion). I Corinthians 12:4-10
10. In the operations of the Gifts of the Spirit. Romans 12:5-8 & Ephesians 4:11
11. In the Trinity: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20 & John 2:22-24
12. That Marriage and Family are ordained and ordered by God. Genesis 2:22-24 & Ephesians 5:20-33